1. Urinary tract infections, urolithiasis
2. Lower urinary tract dysfunctions (BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia, neuropathic urinary bladder, urinary incontinence)
3. Urooncology – tumors of kidney, urinary bladder, prostate and testicle
4. Benign diseases of male genitalia, the most important urogenital anomalies, andrology
5. Operative approaches in urology, urological emergency
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urology for stomatology | 10.1.2012 | 240.91 KB | faculty member | – |
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Keywords: Renal agenesis, Renal ectopia, Horseshoe kidney
citation: Hora Milan: Urology for students of stomatology. Educational Portal of Medical Faculty in Pilsen [online] , [cit. 23. 01. 2025]. Available from WWW: ISSN 1804-4409.