Histology, Embryology
Cell biology
New insights in cell biology. Layouts summarize new insights, such as epigenetic changes, mitochondrial biogenesis and post-translational protein modifications responsible for cell cycle regulation. There are several medical issues where basic cellular procedures failure.
Mitochondria in the reproduction: mitochondrial Eve and Steve
The lecture is focused on the destiny of sperm mitochondria after oocyte fertilization and the mechanism of mitophagy of sperm mitochondria. Sperm mitophagy-derived diseases are mentioned and the genesis during early embryonic development is explained.
Histology and Embryology Exam Questions. Recommended for review before the final examination
This textbook is recommended for revision the students' knowledge before taking the final examination in Histology and Embryology. There are 835 exam questions for both General and Dental Medicine students covering cytology, general histology, special histology, and embryology. There is a key to the answers and a list of recommended textbooks attached.
Embryology I - progenesis, early embryonic development and embryo implantation
The lecture brings the outlines of gametogenesis (progenesis), the process of fertilization and pre-implantation early embryonic development. Notes to embryo implantation and the embryo-endometrium crosstalk are included.